Sims 4 Entertainer Career Guide

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The Sims 4 offers so many exciting careers, including the entertainment career. In this branch, your Sim can choose to either become a musician or a comedian. Your Sim will need musical and comedy skills to advance until you reach level 4, where your Sim can choose to become a musician or a comedian.

I created a Sim based on my brother, a professional drummer. Unfortunately, the Sims game doesn’t allow you to buy a drum kit without getting a special mod. Instead, my brother learned how to play violin and piano.

I learned a lot while advancing my brother in the entertainment career. Here’s my Sims 4 entertainer career guide and how you can get your Sim to be the best musician or comedian.

Bottom line up front: The entertainer career branch follows a timeline. Jobs 1-4 are normal entertainment jobs, and you select either the musician or comedian branch during your next promotion. You’ll need to work on your comedian skills and learn how to play an instrument. My Sim chose the musician career field and learned how to play violin and piano.

What Is the Entertainer Career?

The entertainer career is the branch to pursue if you want your Sim to become famous. There are two main careers in the entertainer branch: musician and comedian. As a musician, you can pursue any instrument you want. The Sims allows you to play guitar, violin, or piano. You can also choose the comedian field if making people laugh is what your Sim likes the most.

Even though you choose one or the other, this branch will make your Sim advance in music and comedy skills. It’s best to purchase your instrument of choice and a microphone to practice your jokes.

How to Join the Entertainer Career

Selecting a career. Photo by Stephanie Jensen.

To become an entertainer, the first step is to get a job. Your Sim can do this by logging onto their computer or finding a job on their phone (click the smartphone icon in the bottom right). Go to the “work” icon (it looks like a briefcase) and select “find a job.” A window with all of the career options will pop up. Select the “entertainer” career.

Check your career tab. Photo by Stephanie Jensen.

Always pay attention to the “career” tab. The “career” tab is located on the bottom right and also looks like a briefcase. Here, you will find all the important information about your current job, such as the title, the days you work, and your wage.

Below this information is a “performance” bar. To improve your performance, you’ll have to accomplish daily tasks. You can find the required daily tasks underneath the performance bar. Next to the daily tasks, there will be text stating how far you are to completing your goal. This is expressed as a percentage until the task says “complete.”

Entertainer Career Timeline

Getting promotion. Photo by Stephanie Jensen.

All Sims careers follow a timeline. As you accomplish your daily tasks and have excellent job performance, your Sim will receive promotions.

Jobs 1-4

The first four jobs in the entertainer branch are general jobs in the entertainment field. Here’s all of the information about these jobs:

  • Amateur Entertainer
  • Open Mic Seeker
  • C-Lister
  • Opening Act


Musician career selection. Photo by Stephanie Jensen.

After level four, you can choose between the musician or comedian careers. For my Sim, I chose the musician career. Here are the core jobs as a musician:

  • Jingle Jammer
  • Serious Musician
  • Professional Pianist
  • Symphonic String Player
  • Instrumental Wonder
  • Concert Virtuoso

As a professional musician, performing music will become a normal part of your Sim’s day. Your Sim will practice their instrument of choice daily and will also have to start playing the piano. Your Sim will be required to reach a specific musical level for every career advancement.


Choosing this career path will keep your Sim inspired to play their instrument while at home. If you choose musician aspirations (I will talk more about this later), the aspiration tab will encourage your Sim to continue playing and listening to music.

To improve your Sim’s ability, make sure they’re inspired. Inspired is one of the many emotions your Sim can feel throughout the game. Your Sim will feel inspired by playing their instrument, though taking a thoughtful shower is a quick way to encourage feelings of inspiration. Creativity is another important emotion for your Sims. Your Sim can feel creative by doing any of the previous activities.

Even if you focus on either guitar or violin, your Sim will also need to learn the piano. It’s a good idea to always keep a piano in your home.

A good way for your Sim to hone their musician skills is by performing for others. Most of the bars and nightclubs have instruments. Pick up one of the instruments and attract a crowd.


Even if your Sim is funny, being a comedian is serious business in the entertainer career branch. I was going to have my Sim pursue the comedy branch, but I realized this was too difficult. As I stated previously, you’ll have to continue practicing your jokes with a microphone. I think it’s easier to inspire your Sim to play an instrument than to perform a comedy routine. Plus, your Sim will require certain emotions, which I will describe in the next section.

There are several jobs you’ll have to hold to be the best. These jobs include:

  • Jokesmith
  • Solid Storyteller
  • Rising Comedian
  • Roast Master
  • Stand up Star
  • Show Stopper


If your Sim chooses the Comedian path, their emotions will be different. Your Sim will feel the playful emotion. It’s important to keep your Sim energized and engaged with others. When communicating with other Sims, have your Sim tell jokes. Watching the comedy TV channel will activate the playful emotion if no one is around. It’s also important to surround your Sim with children since playing with kids will also incite a playful mood.

Confidence and charisma are also other emotions to achieve. You can be confident by brushing your teeth. Use a mirror and practice your speech to improve your charisma skill.

In addition to attending work, performing stand-up is another way for Sims to show off their comedy skills. Enter any bar with a microphone and tell jokes.

Attending Sims University

If you have the Sims University expansion pack, you can enroll in the drama degree. The drama degree will offer many entertainer career benefits.

Benefits of a Drama Degree

When your Sim achieves a Drama degree, they will start their career in a higher-up role and receive a signing bonus. For the Comedian career, your Sim will start at level 6. Even if your Sim wants to be an actor or social media influencer, they will start their career at level 6. If your Sim graduates with honors or a Distinguished Degree, they start their career at level 7 for all roles. If they graduate with a Distinguished Degree with honors, they start their career at level 8 for all roles.

How to Sign Up

To sign up for Sims University, select the computer, hit “University”, and select, “Apply to Universities.” Your Sim has two university choices: Britechester and Foxbury. I suggest applying to Britechester because they have the Distinguished Degree program, making it more likely that you’re accepted.

Distinguished Degree Acceptance

As with applying to university in real life, there’s no guarantee that your Sim will be accepted into either university for the drama program. Being accepted into the Distinguished Degree program is even more difficult. Aiming for a Distinguished Degree is essential because your Sim will receive greater career gains after graduation, such as more promotions.

There are ways to increase your chance of acceptance into the Distinguished Drama Degree program. If your Sim attended high school and was a straight A student, they’re twice as likely to get accepted. Anything below this doesn’t increase their chance of acceptance.

Even if your Sim started as a young adult, certain skills can increase the chances of Distinguished Degree acceptance. You can do this by boosting certain skills. Here are the most prominent ones:

  • Fitness: level 3 and above
  • Charisma: level 2 and above
  • Comedy: level 2 and above
  • Acting: level 2 and above

The more your Sim advances in these skills, the likelier they will get accepted into the Distinguished Degree program.

What if your Sim doesn’t get accepted in the Distinguished Degree program? They can still attend the normal drama degree program.


If you want your Sim to advance quickly, you can do so with cheats. Here are some of the most prominent ones:

  • Distinguished Degree: traits.equip_trait traitname
  • Bachelor of Arts Degree: Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBA
  • Bachelor of Arts Degree With Honors: Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBAHonors
  • Bachelor of Science Degree: Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBS
  • Bachelor of Science Degree With Honors: Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBSHonors

Suggested Aspirations and Traits

Aspirations and traits are essential components of your Sim’s unique personality. Aspirations are lifelong goals. You can change your Sim’s aspirations anytime, though there are recommended aspirations for the comedian and musician branches. Traits are individual factors that make up your Sim’s personality. These traits vary between passions, moods, emotions, and positives/negatives.


Here are the aspirations I recommend for the musician branch:

  • Musical Genius
  • Big Happy Family
  • Successful Lineage
Musical Genius aspiraton. Photo by Stephanie Jensen.

For my Sim, I chose the Musical Genius aspiration. As the name suggests, your Sim aspires to be an amazing musician. The game will inspire your Sim to advance in their instrument, write songs, and earn royalties.

I do have to say that I wouldn’t choose the Big Happy Family aspiration unless you plan on playing music with your kids. Even with that being said, I think the Successful Lineage trait is better in this instance.

When you accomplish your aspiration goals, your Sim will earn points that can be exchanged for rewards. Some of these rewards include Cool Shades (first interaction with a new Sim is always positive) and Thinking Cap (learning rate increases).

Here are the traits I recommend for the musician branch:

  • Music Lover
  • Good
  • Cheerful
  • Bro
Jordan’s traits. Photo by Stephanie Jensen.

For my Sim, I based many of his traits on my brother. These are his traits:

  • Cheerful
  • Childish
  • Music Lover
  • Muser

Out of all of the general positive traits, Cheerful is the one I recommend most. Your Sim will often be in a good mood, inspiring them to pick up their instrument.

My brother has a son, Sterling, and I created a Sim for him. Childish Sims make great parents because they enjoy playing with toys and the simple things in life. These Sims enjoy being around children, and my brother’s Sim had an amazing relationship with his son.

They would often play and have many positive interactions. The only downside if these Sims tend to get tense easily and need to have fun.

Fortunately, my brother practicing his instrument fulfilled his need for fun. If your entertainer Sim doesn’t have children, I would say skip over this trait. But it’s a good trait if your Sim wants to start a family.

Another trait I chose was Muser. Muser is a general aspiration trait that will make them passionate about their goals, helping them achieve their goals easier. I definitely recommend this trait to entertainer Sims.


Here are the recommended aspirations for the comedian branch:

  • Joke Star
  • Serial Romantic
  • Big Happy Family

Some of these aspirations surprised me, specifically the serial romantic. But looking into this aspiration, it makes sense. Serial romantics strive to attract loving partners. And a sense of humor is one of the most attractive aspects of a person, so, understandably, your comedian Sim will use their comedy skills to attract a mate.

As stated previously, having kids is easy for Sims to exercise their comedy skills and playful moods. The Big Happy Family aspiration is everything about children. Your Sim will want nothing more than to have kids and be the best parent. Your Sim will practice their comedy skills on their own kids, the ones who will find your Sim to be the funniest.

Here are the recommended traits for the comedian branch:

  • Goofball
  • Clumsy
  • Cheerful
  • Good
  • Snob
  • Outgoing
  • Bro

When we think of Sims traits, we tend to think of the positive ones such as “good” and “cheerful.” But even the negative traits can benefit your Sim. For example, clumsy is a negative trait, though this trait is less likely to trigger angry and sad emotions. Your Sim will fail, but they will learn to laugh at their mistakes rather than see them as something negative.

Snob is another good example. Snobby Sims are the best critics, but these Sims can critique their work to perform at their best. These Sims often develop bad moods around ugly decor, so I usually choose this trait for artistic types.

Regarding general positive traits, being outgoing is the main one I recommend for comedians. Outgoing Sims love being around others. This is an easy way to tell jokes and gain a fanbase. The bro trait is the one that confuses me the most, but this is another social trait that focuses on key interests. This is another one I recommend for comedians if you’re looking for a general positive trait.

What to Buy for the Entertainer Career

Image from Wiki Fandom

You’ll need to keep some core items in your house to advance your Sim’s skillsets. The main items you need to purchase are various instruments and a microphone.


Even if your Sim wants to become a comedian, it’s crucial that they purchase instruments. There are three to choose from:

  • Guitar
  • Violin
  • Piano

Always purchase a piano, especially if your Sim chooses the musician branch. They will need to learn piano as they advance in their career.


If your Sim wants to be a comedian, they need to get a microphone. A microphone is essential for Sims to practice their stand-up routine. Using the microphone will also entice your Sim to feel creative, which is essential for both the comedian and musician branches.

Entertainer Career Unlocks

As you advance in your career, you can unlock some items to buy for your home. Even before you reach level 4, you can unlock a business card holder, a Sim Idol Rug (which goes underneath your microphone), and the Rock of Ages Retro Stereo.

Here are additional entertainer career unlockable items:


  • I Otter be a Star Pop Art (pop art image of otters)
  • You’ve Got Talent Award
  • Track Lighting
  • What a Star You Are Mirror


  • Single rose in a vase (to display on your piano)
  • Off the Charts Music Award
  • Antique Piano
  • Rock Legend Signed Guitar

Entertainer Career Cheats

You can advance your Sim in the entertainer career by using a particular cheat. Press Cntrl + Shift + C (Command + Shift + C for Mac users), type “testingcheats on” and press Enter. Type “careers.promote entertainer.” You will get a promotion.

You can also use cheats to level up your skills. For comedy, use the code “stats.set_skill_level major_comedy X” and will out the “X” with any level skill you want to reach. For example, if you want to reach level 2, you’ll enter “2” where the “X” is.

This code is the same for the music skill, but you’ll have to enter your instrument. For example, enter “violin” or “piano” where “comedy” is. Again, you’ll replace the “X” with any skill number you want to reach.


Question: Will the Entertainer Career Make my Sim famous?

Answer: Yes, but your Sim will only become a famous musician or comedian. If you want your Sim to become a famous actor, your Sim will have to work on their acting skills and attend auditions.

Question: Is the Entertainer Career Branch the Most Profitable Option?

Answer: Nope. Here are the most profitable career branches:
Civil designer

Question: I Want my Sim to be a Famous Singer. Do they Have to Enter the Entertainment Career?

Answer: No. Your Sim can only gain recognition by improving their singing and performing skills. They can perform at bars and nightclubs with a microphone or a karaoke machine. Your Sim can also sing on the street.
What if you want your Sim to sing as a career? They will have to enter the freelance market and find opportunities on the computer.

Bottom Line

The entertainer career is one of the most exciting careers in Sims 4. Your Sim can become a famous musician or comedian with the entertainer branch. To start working in the entertainer career branch, you must select “entertainer” when your Sim applies for a job.

Your Sim will have to advance in this branch until they reach level 4, where they will choose either the musician or comedian branch.

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