Sims 4 Astronaut Career Guide

Sims 4 is a hit simulation game that allows players to create a lifelike video game character, build a home for them and play out various scenarios. One of the hallmarks of the game is the sim’s ability to have a job, earn money, and be promoted.

There are 27 full-time jobs available for sims in Sims 4 with all expansion packs and there are eight part-time jobs available as well and in this Sims 4 Astronaut Career Guide, we will cover some of the best. Each full-time job requires a specific skill(s) and will require a sim to work on that skill in order to advance. This is often done using a daily task that your sim must complete but you can also work on skills independently of that to advance faster.

Careers also split off into different branches after a cerstain number of promotions, usually into two different options that focus on different skills and experiences for your sims. form of items and large simoleon bonuses, as well as, an hourly raise. Sims can also be fired or demoted from their jobs, resulting in bad moods and crying Sims.

The Astronaut career is a career that comes with the base game and is one of the harder careers to advance in. This is because the shifts are often long and difficult for Sims, however, the rewards for this career are great and eventually include a free spaceship. The first seven levels focus mainly on fitness and logic skills in order to be promoted.

This means that sims with the active trait are coupled with the athletic aspiration make a Sim a good candidate for the Astronaut career. You can always change your aspiration later. Genius is another trait that your Sim might find useful for this career as it can help with focusing on skill-building on advancing the logic skill faster.

The fitness skill can be advanced by making your Sim work out either with workout equipment at home, going to a gym, or sending your sim on a jog. Sims can also swim in order to gain fitness skills. The logic skill can be worked on by playing chess, reading logic books, or using the telescope.

The chess table is needed for this career so I recommend purchasing it ASAP. I also recommend trying to include it in your house builds, it’s an item every family needs at some point and a great productive pass time for Sims.

University Degree

Sims 4 Astronaut Career Guide

If you have the Discover University career pack for Sims 4 your sims can gain a boost in their career level by obtaining either the Physics degree or the Villany degree. If you choose the physics degree your sim will start out as Planet Patrol the Space Ranger branches level 8 career position, locking your sim into this branch of the career.

The Villany degree will allow your sim to start out as a Moon Mercenary the Interstellar Smuggler’s branch level 8. Your sim will also receive a sign-on bonus and allow your sim to skip through the lower-level career positions.

Career Track


The intern is the starting position for the Astronaut career. There are no promotion tasks but Sims need to play chess every day until the daily task says 100%. I liked playing until my Sim gained a skill level if it was possible. Sims will work Monday-Friday from 8 am to 5 pm and will make $26 an hour for a total of $234 simoleons. They will also unlock the Enthuse about Space Interaction.

Module Cleaner

The Module Cleaner promotion introduces a promotion task, as well as, the daily task of playing chess. In order to be promoted to Technician, Sims must reach level 2 in logic skill.

Typically most Sims have reached that level in Logic by the time they get this promotion, however, completing the daily task will get your Sim to logic level quickly. When promoted Sims will receive $581 Simoleons and an Astro Solar System Light. They will also receive a salary raise of $34 an hour for a total of $306 simoleons. Sims will work Monday through Friday from 12 pm to 9 pm.


The Technician promotion is when Sims will need to start focusing on their fitness skill. In order to be promoted they need a level 2 fitness skill and a level 3 logic skill. The daily task will stay the same and continue being to play chess. If your Sim hasn’t started working on their fitness skill, now would be the best time to start that by either making your sim go for a jog, go to the gym or invest in workout equipment.

When promoted to this position Sims will receive $756 simoleons and Astro model rocket and unlock the ability to point out constellations. They will also receive a salary raise of $54 for a total of $432 simoleons a day. Sims will work Tuesday through Friday from 1 pm to 9 pm.

Command Center Lead

Command Center Lead changes the daily task from playing chess to working out, however, you will still need to develop your Sims logic skill. In order to be promoted Sims will need to have a level 4 logic skill and a level 4 fitness skill.

When promoted to this position sims will receive $896 simoleons, star seeker original blueprints, and the ability to track satellites on the telescope. Your sim’s salary will rise to $71 an hour for a total of $568 simoleons a day. They will work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 pm to 10 pm.

Low Orbit Specialist

Sims 4 Astronaut Career Guide Low Orbit Specialist

Low Orbit Specialist is when the career starts to pay off monetarily and should allow your SIm to start amassing some wealth. This position keeps things the same with sims needed to advance their fitness and logic skills to level 4 and level 5 respectively.

Their daily task will still be to work out. Upon promotion, your sim will receive $1,130 simoleons and a portable galaxy light show. Their salary will rise to $96 an hour for a total of $864 simoleons. They will only work three days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.

Space Cadet

The Space Cadet promotion keeps things pretty much the same asking your Sim to increase their logic and fitness skills. This time, however, fitness skills are the main focus and need to be increased to level 6 in order to be promoted. The logic skill only needs to be increased to level 5. The daily task remains working out, giving your sim an easy way to gain fitness skills.

Although you may want them to do a double workout in order to gain skill faster. Upon promotion, your sim will receive $1,299 simoleons and desk called mission control. Their salary will increase to $104 an hour for a total of $1040 simoleons a day. They will work Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6 are to 4 pm.


Now your sim can finally call themselves an astronaut but their career won’t stop there. Once sims complete the promotion tasks of increasing their logic skill to 6 and their fitness skill to 7 they will be tasked with choosing which career branch they want to take.

Upon promotion, your sim will receive $1689 simoleons, a Salyut Aeronaut Chair, and new clothes. Their salary will increase to $119 an hour for a total of $1190 a day. They will work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8 am to 6 pm.

Choosing a Branch

Sims 4 Branch

Once your sim reaches the level 8 promotion they must choose which branch they want to go into; Space Ranger or Interstellar Smuggler. Both branches are pretty much the same in terms of skills, daily tasks, and promotional reward items. However, the Interstellar Smuggler branch is more lucrative.

This is only because they work longer shifts and more hours. While the Space Ranger allows your Sim to have a more balanced work and home life.

Space Ranger Branch

Planet Patrol

Planet Patrol is the first position in the Space Ranger branch and changes the focus from logic to fitness and the rocket science skill. Simes will need to complete space missions as their daily task.

Sims can do this by building the rocket they get with the promotion and use it for space missions. In order to be promoted sims will need to reach level 3 of the rocket science skill and level eight of the fitness skill.

Maxing out the fitness skill before reaching this career position is wise as it will allow for more time to complete the daily task. When sims are promoted to this level they will receive $1790 simoleons, a build your own rocket kit, and the space energy drink recipe. Their salary will be raised to $179 an hour for a total of $1432 a day. They will work Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 6 pm.

Sheriff of the Stars

The Sheriff of the Stars position keeps things more or less the same. Your daily task will be to complete space missions using your rocket while your promotion activities ask your sim to max out their fitness skill and raise their rocket science level to 4.

When your sim is promoted they will receive $3149 simoleons and Astro-bunny beyond infinity which is a statue. Their salary will increase to $297 an hour for a total of $2079 a day. They will work Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 5 pm.

Space Ranger

Space Ranger is the final position your Sim can hold in the astronaut career within this branch. Once your Sim reaches this level they are not obligated to work on skills but I would recommend continuing development of the rocket science skill. Their daily task will remain to complete space missions but their only other task is to go to work on time.

When your Sim is promoted to Space Ranger they will receive $4567 simoleons, and Apollo Rocket to use for their space missions and they will unlock new CAS outfits. Their salary will increase to $422 an hour for a total of $2954 a day. They will work Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 5 pm.

Interstellar Smuggler Branch

Sims 4 Astronaut Career Guide Interstellar Smuggler Branch

Moon Mercenary

If you choose the Interstellar Smuggler Branch, Moon Mercenary will be your next promotion. The goals of the Interstellar Smuggler branch are the same as the Space Ranger branch. Your sim will need to reach level 2 of rocket science skill and level 8 of the fitness skill in order to advance. They will also need to do space missions daily using the built rocket.

When Sims choose this branch they will receive $1790 simoleons, the monolith which is a statue that can be sold and used toward purchasing a rocket, and lastly the alien juice drink recipe. Sims will receive $201 an hour for a total of $2093 simoleons a day. They will work Saturday through Monday and Wednesday from 4 pm to 12.

Aliens Good Trader

The next promotion of Aliens Good Trader requires sims to reach level 4 of the rocket skill and max out the fitness skill. They will also need to complete daily space missions in order to be promoted.

When promoted to this position sims will receive $3865 simoleons and a zero-g training bag. Their salary will be raised to $299 an hour for a total of $2093 a day. A similar jump in pay as the Space Ranger branch. They will work Saturday through Monday and Thursday from 4 pm to 11 pm.

Interstellar Smuggler

The last career promotion of this branch is the Interstellar Smuggler. Once sims reach this career promotion they no longer need to work on skills but they will need to continue daily space missions in order to keep their performance bar up and not get demoted.

When promoted to this position sims will receive $5025 simoleons and a retro rocketship of their own. Their salary will increase to $413 an hour for a total of $3717 a day. They will work Saturday through Monday and Thursday from 2 pm to 11 pm.

Retirement & Pension

When sims reach old age they will be given the option to retire from their jobs and collect a pension, this allows your elder sim to go off and enjoy their life as they want with no obligations to work.

They can now spend time with their grandkids, travel, or just pick up a new set of hobbies. While they will receive a pension check it’s quite a bit smaller at only about a third of their normal salary.

So while your Sim can retire depending on the lifestyle they live it might not be the best option. If your Sim does decide to retire they will be paid daily at around the same time every day. If your elder sim decides to get another job they will lose their pension. This includes part-time jobs, unfortunately.


Question: How Can I get a focused or energized moodlet?

Answer: Your sim can get a focused moodlet in a variety of ways. Some of the most popular ways are by using the telescope, practicing yoga, bathing with citrus soaks, upgrading objects, and pondering chess. In general studying or doing anything that is mind concentrating like specific yoga routines will help your sim gain a focused moodlet.

Sims can gain an energized moodlet by taking a brisk shower, working out, drinking coffee, taking a nap, doing energizing yoga, or bathing with muscle relaxing soaks. In addition to completing these activities, it’s easiest to get your sim energized if they are also in a happy mood.

Question: Do Sims get vacation days?

Answer: Yes, sims get 3 paid vacation days at the start of a new job and earn more vacation days based on how many days they work. Sims will earn one vacation day for every sims week that they work.

Your sim will still earn their entire salary while on vacation and their career meter will stay the same. Sims will also be able to take family leave when they have a child. A pregnant sim will be able to take family leave once they reach the third trimester of their pregnancy. Both parents can take family leave once the baby is born for one day.

Question: How can I cheat promotions?

Answer: To use cheats to instantly promote yourself first you must turn on testing cheats by pressing the control+shift+c buttons at the same time. Once the bar on top opens, type in testing cheats true and press enter. Next in the same cheat bar type careers. promote astronauts to promote your sim to the next level.

Final Thoughts

The astronaut is a rewarding career that focuses on skills found within the base game and if you choose to be an Interstellar Smuggler it also pays the most out of all of the games.

So if wealth is your goal then this is the best career to focus on. The Space Ranger branch is great for sims who have a family, as it allows the parent sim to be home after school and help kids with homework, class projects, and other skills.

Your sims can explore space and still be a parent with fewer sacrifices. It is however a very time-consuming career as it forces your sim to complete long space missions in between shifts. Sims also have a tendency to get tense when working this career. It’s best for intelligent and athletic sims who enjoy learning new things while jogging at the same time or just sims who have traits that lean towards skill learning and athleticism.

Continue reading:

Guide to Sims 4 Careers: Careers List

Sims 4 Self Employment Guide: How to Start a Career

Sims 4 Conservationist Career Guide: All You Need To Know

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